When you envision the parts of a typical residential roof, you probably think of the most prominent components such as shingles, tiles, and the beams that give the roof its shape. However, a less conspicuous part of the roof called flashing plays several important roles in keeping the rest of the roof in optimal condition.
If you want to get the most out of your roof and avoid damage to other parts of your home for many years to come, know how roof flashing works, why it might fail, and how to recognize a roof flashing problem in time to contact professional assistance. Start by examining the following four points about roof flashing.
1. Purpose and Types of Roof FlashingRoof flashing offers extra protection to those parts of your roof most vulnerable to water damage. Roofs often sport chimneys, skylights, and joints that form valleys between different roof planes. If water accumulates in these zones, it can easily penetrate the outer layers to damage the wooden structures underneath.
Flashing consists of water-resistant metals such as copper, aluminum, and (most commonly) galvanized steel formed into strips. These strips fit snugly on and around different parts of the roof. Examples include chimney flashing, vent pipe flashing, drip edge flashing for eaves and rakes, and valley flashing between two roof planes.
2. Common Threats to Roof FlashingAlthough roof flashing can provide strong protection against the elements, it can also succumb to those elements over time or under extreme conditions. Even the ordinary passage of the seasons subjects roof flashing to expansion and contraction, which can eventually deform the flashing and allow water to get past it.
Debris, pests, and dents can remove the outer layer of corrosion protection on galvanized steel roof flashing, making it prone to rust and holes. A violent storm can pull flashing away from roof surfaces, leaving open gaps. High winds might even rip the flashing off the roof, opening the roof to potentially serious water infiltration.
3. Signs of Roof Flashing ProblemsYou know you have a roof flashing problem if pieces of it appear to have gone missing. Discoloration, deformation, or tiny holes in your roof flashing also indicate trouble. The discoloration may stem from either rust or mold accumulation. (Moldy drip edge flashing may point to faulty initial installation.)
Problems elsewhere on your roof can sometimes warn you of flashing problems. Watch out for curled, darkened, or worn shingles or exterior siding. These signs of water damage may mean that your roof flashing has failed. Also, check your interior attic areas and windows for signs of water leaking through damaged flashing.
4. Roof Flashing Repairs, Replacement, and MaintenanceSmall breaches in your roof flashing may respond well to patching. Your roofing technician will first clear away all the shingles around the piece of flashing in question, handling them carefully to avoid damaging them. The technician will then score the problem area to make it rough before cementing the patch over the roughened area.
Roof flashing damaged beyond hope of repair requires replacing. Your roof technician knows how to remove the caulk or mortar that holds the flashing in place without damaging the other parts of the roof. A combination of nails and roofing cement secures the new flashing before the technician restores the shingles.
If you suspect that your roof flashing has failed or may need a professional inspection, Cal Roofing Systems Inc. can come to your rescue. Our skilled roofing technicians can provide ongoing roof flashing maintenance, fixing or replacing segments of flashing as necessary to protect your roof and home.
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